Physical inactivity is a major public health problem worldwide. Numerous scientific publications use the number of steps as a simple but valid metric to objectively quantify people’s physical activity levels.

«From the results obtained, it would appear that achieving at least 8,000 steps per day is the minimum amount of movement associated with a reduced risk of mortality from several diseases, including cardiovascular disease. However, a study published in 2022 shows that the average daily steps achieved by a sample of the American population is less than 5000 steps, a long way from the ambitious target of 8000. This is why it is important to understand: what is the minimum number of days during a week on which it is necessary to reach the 8000-step threshold in order to have an effect on health – explains Luca Demolli, Sports Technician and Fitness Trainer at the Mapei Sport Research Centre, in the latest episode of Cubetti di Sapere. – From the results obtained, it would appear that reaching the target of 8000 steps or more at least three times a week is the minimum frequency sufficient to reduce the risk of mortality from all diseases, a risk that could be reduced by up to 25% for people over 65 years of age».

These results underline the possibility that all people have of using movement as an effective tool to achieve a tangible effect on health independently of non-modifiable elements such as work activity characteristics.